How we are painting the world blue

The colour blue represents both the sky and the sea. For some, it may mean emotions like freedom, while for others, it could be an inspiration to soar higher and higher.
When we say that we are painting the world blue, there is a lot more than making a global presence. We would like to call it our ‘presence with a purpose’, where our sense of inspiration can lead to a distinct impact. An impact that stems from our vision of contributing towards healthcare far and wide. And Healthcare being the core area upon which our worldwide life-saving projects are based.
To put it more precisely, Fabtech’s team of experts don the hat of a ‘life engineer’ and holistically supports its clients in myriad pharmaceutical projects, especially in countries with limited pharma facilities. This forms the crux of our contribution to saving millions of lives.
And while we always endeavour to have a smooth sailing project, sometimes the sailing may encounter rough seas, and we may need to ride the tide today and flow with the waves unwaveringly tomorrow.
Below are some truly remarkable projects where we stood our ground with the right technical prowess, demonstrated expertise, and the ability to keep racing ahead with our meticulously drawn roadmap.
Rising to the Challenges
It was a paradigm of trust when our client in Algeria became the matchmaker and recommended our work to another fellow organisation.
This organisation turned out to be one of our remarkable projects. Sudair Pharma, known for executing complex projects, had everyone apprehensive about taking up their project. And while the client was not too willing to have an Asian pharma company on board, they revisited their uncertainty after being acquainted with our capabilities.
As soon as we were taken on board, many stumbling blocks came due to political and operational challenges. But remaining undeterred by these impediments, we ensured that the project saw the light of the day. This was one of the notable projects where we supplied bio-cleanroom, containment solutions and isolators, cleanroom equipment, BMS and EMS, high-purity water generation and distribution systems, clean utilities and end-to-end electromechanical. This facility today specialises in manufacturing oncology OSDs and Injectables.
Conquering for a Cause
The facility, Mechnocov SA, found itself in deep waters after a loss of momentum by the contractor. The project commissioned by the President of the Russian Federation and in partnership with the Nicaraguan Government began to waver, thus impacting the stakeholder’s trust. Soon, Fabtech was allowed to make up for the lost ground.
We duly proceeded with the planning, execution and end-to-end commissioning in no time. The facility currently produces up to 30 million doses of the vaccine annually while also addressing the disease patterns of the Latin American population.
Going the extra mile
After the timely completion of our work, the Government of the Afro-Arab nation in North Africa re-approached us to complete the part project that had been faltering due to the other company’s action, leaving the client in a quandary.
Some installation issues in ceiling panels and HEPA had put the work at a standstill, which is why everything was left undone. Everything was in shambles, and we needed to pick up pieces to bring everything back on track.
The project was awarded to us; needless to say we left no stone unturned in ensuring that even the most complex ducting and false ceiling work was done with utmost efficiency and perfection.
Being as good as your work
When a project has a WHO certification, one would assume and hope things would go perfectly. Unfortunately, however, for Fidson, things came to a halt due to the inability of the contractor to meet certain integral aspects, such as those pertaining to mobilising the right resources.
Consequently, the ambitious multi-million dollar project was in dire need of someone to step in and resume the project. Soon, we turned on the reset mode. What followed was Fabtech’s active involvement in designing, engineering, supplying, installing, validating and commissioning modular cleanroom infrastructure, a high-purity water treatment plant, a best-in-class laboratory and an R&D centre, among other things.
Today, the factory stands tall as a large-scale pharmaceutical product manufacturer sharply focused on meeting the healthcare needs of Nigerians and West African markets.
Breaking the Boundaries
We have seen our projects sometimes hitting a roadblock. Yet we have always found a way around it to get going. However, as the world saw in desperation, it was in the unprecedented year 2020 lockdown when we too got surrounded by a great degree of uncertainty. The pandemic indeed caught us off guard, but we dusted off the setback and made absolutely sure we did not let ou r guard down. Here is an instance how.
UmicorE, a German-based company, wanted to execute its chemical synthesis isolator project in Argentina. The project came with inevitable criticalities where the oxygen level (less than 2%) and the heat sensitivity of the product (not more than 48 degrees C) had to be duly monitored and maintained. Furthermore, the heat source generation needed a vacuum tray dryer with a triple layer safety. The isolator required to work round the clock, running for over 20 days. To ensure operation continuity, our life engineers performed all the tests to determine system capability and possible failure.
And as confidence always wins over scepticism, we bagged the project over a European company.
From conceptualisation to FAT, everything was being done in a time-bound manner, but unfortunately, the unforeseen pandemic came hitting us just when we were on the verge of the installation.
And as everything came to a standstill, we knew we needed to make the best use of the given time. And hence, for the next eight months of the lockdown period, the Argentinian embassy was requested and pursued for issuing a technical visa.
As a special case related to a highly critical product, we were given the go-ahead to travel to the country.
What followed was a two months’ period of continuous installation of all utilities and auxiliary equipment while duly following all covid-19 protocols, leading to successful execution of the project.
Two years hence, the isolator is working successfully with highly satisfactory customer feedback.
The unwavering commitment of the frontline officers worldwide also came as an inspiration, and we realised that somewhere we, too have a role to play in the healthcare of people at large. This BIG PICTURE pursuit helped our life engineers continue living up to their name. They put all their weight behind each project, beat all odds, take persistent efforts and pave the way to accomplish some of the very significant projects of our clients.
There lies a deep belief behind every project taken up by Fabtech. The belief in making a difference in the world of healthcare. Therefore, when we build manufacturing capabilities, manage pharmaceutical projects or manufacture essential equipment around the world, we paint a healthier world inclusive of everyone’s accessibility to medicines, treatment and good health.
We’ll be happy if you reach out to us, so we can get together to take up meaningful & fruitful projects, and bring about a discernible change in the world of healthcare.
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